Located in Buckner, Missouri, adjacent to Osage Springs Subdivision, this acreage has the flexibility of multiple zoning choices that allow for a wide array of mixed-use development and have the room for 40-45 duplexes, 20+ single family home sites, an assisted living facility plus logical placement of offices for medical providers like doctors and dentist with a pharmacy. If the assisted care facility does not interest you, replace it with a couple of modern 12-plexes with a penthouse. All utilities are located adjacent the property. In addition, the property is approved for single-family and multi-family assistance for developers and home buyers by the USDA Rural Development.
If you are browsing this website you no doubt have seen the property or been told about it from a family member, friend, professional associate or a Realtor. Feel free to view the property but do not drive on it without me being with you. Continue reading this post to preview the following:
- History Descriptive
- Costing
- Concepts
- Zoning
- Development Options
- Purchase Options
- Contact Info
- Boundary Map
- Jackson County Property Report

If you liked playing outside as a kid with your toy soldiers and your Tonka trucks, walking in the creek beds or just playing with your imaginary friends; have I got a deal for you. Follow along this post and I will walk you through a really special offer to buy development property that won’t break the bank.
Here is your Pathway to ..
Mixed-use Development Site
History Descriptive
Camper Development L.L.C. purchased the 44 acre undeveloped site in 1999. Camper’s overall concept plan (CP) was presented and approved by the Board of Aldermen for the City of Buckner. The CP included a minimum of 6 phases with the following zoning; R1, R2, R3, C1. The projected build-out period was 7-10 years. The overall strategy of the CP was not to overwhelm the city planners with 44 acres of all single-family or all duplex lots; rather to offer housing that would benefit a wider collection of Buckner’s demographics.
Phase 1
Construction began the winter of 2000 and completed the summer of 2001. The 32 lots are mixed-use containing 14 duplex lots and 18 single-family lots. Camper Development bought 6 of the duplex lots and sold the remainder 8 duplex lots to two contractors looking to add to their investment portfolio. Selling all 14 duplex lots right after the plat was recorded made Phase 1 an instant financial success.
Phase 2
Construction was completed in the fall of 2003. Phase 2 was successful with all 32 single-family lots selling out by July 2005. This included selling lots to other contractors and Camper building spec and custom-built homes.

Phases 3 to 6 – Concepts Only
As a result of the decline in our national economy and real estate markets, Camper did not pursue moving forward with development of the remaining 22 acres.
Phase 3 – Concept Only
Phase 3 was a continuation of Phase 2 with 20 more single-family lots located at the southeast boundary. The street in this phase runs north/south and will connect to Barley Lane in the adjacent subdivision to the south. This is commonly called a “poor boy” phase since you are connecting to an existing street with little cost. The generous lot sizes are approximately 10,000 Sq. Ft. and mirror the size of the lots in Phases 1-2. Keep in mind 14 years has past and the new owner could reduce the lot sizes to accommodate higher density. The current market trend is smaller single-family type homes catering to 55 and older buyers.
Phase 4 – Concept Only
Phase 4 is a continuation of multi-family zoning and a substantial money maker for the developer. This is located in the heart of the 22 acres and Zoned R3. You could develop duplex lots as opposed to three-plex lots. There are multiple combinations of options that achieve a big financial win for the developer. Camper estimates 40 duplex lots can be attained in this area. Multi-family lots are in high demand resulting in great profits for the developer by selling the lots, keeping the investment property for yourself or a combination of both. This portion of the development was earmarked the signature of the entire development with awe-inspiring English Tudor and French County elevations complimented by stunning landscapes.
Phase 5 to 6 – Concepts Only
The two separate commercial (C1) zoned areas are located on the BB Highway frontage and behind the Masonic Lodge. There was no set plan to develop one phase before the other. They were labeled for the purpose of the concept plan and local presentations to the city.
The C1 property located behind the Masonic Lodge was slated for apartments or a Retirement Home/Village that included a Health and Wellness Center. Camper felt the Retirement Home/Village would blend and compliment the services of the Masonic Lodge. This area connects to existing streets located in the subdivision that joins the north boundary line.
The BB Highway frontage C1 will require a highway entrance like Ceremonial to the south. There were no decisions of what to do with this property since it was several years out from being developed. The conventional wisdom is the same today as yesterday. Save the highway frontage land until you have sold out the residential properties. A caveat to this is, the new developer may want to blend the area with Phase 4 and make the combined area a 55 and older community.
Selling the Remaining 22 Acres
The recovery period for the real estate and construction business did not happen in the timely manner we all hoped. It is not realistic for me to continue developing the subdivision since my family and I now co-locate in Arizona and Missouri. The descriptions given are not meant to apply my prejudice on a new buyer, rather to show what worked in the past, stimulate your thoughts and encourage the new owner to pursue their dream, using their thumbprint.
Our national economy is booming and at an all-time high. Buckner like most small towns is starving for new housing. Whether you are an experienced developer, contractor, excavator, landlord or investor; now is the time to expand your portfolio. If you like real estate and construction you will love land development. If you are an experienced developer you don’t need input from me, but if you’re not, I am willing to manage the development for you while you maintain complete anonymity.
Flexible Zoning and Variety of Development Options

Purchase options for this property

Contact Camper Development, LLC

Boundary Map

Jackson County Property Report